Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2004 posts
‘Windows Will Be Everywhere,’ Ballmer Promises

‘Windows Will Be Everywhere,’ Ballmer Promises

LAS VEGAS — Microsoft unveiled its vision of the future, where everything from phones and tablets to big-ass tables runs Windows. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer delivered a somnolescent and nearly news-free keynote presentation on the eve of the Consumer Electronics Show here, laying out his company’s
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

The 10 Most Significant Gadgets of 2010

When this year began, we were feverishly speculating about an Apple tablet, looking forward to 3-D TV sets, and optimistically waiting for the end of the cable companies’ cruel grip on our wallets. We had to settle for one out of three. While manufacturers did release a handful of 3-D TVs, there’s j
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Last-Minute Geeky Christmas Gifts

Last-Minute Geeky Christmas Gifts

Is it too late for holiday shopping? Not at all. If you act fast, you can still get some cool gifts for the geeks on your list. Some are available online and some require a trip to a local store — but all of the items on this list are likely to be well-received by […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Supreme Court Considers Kindle v. iPad

Newly-approved Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan is a Kindle user, while longtime conservative Justice Antonin Scalia wields an iPad. This nugget of information appeared in a recent video clip on C-SPAN. Both justices use the devices (plus hard copy printouts) to read the vast quantities of written
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Boxee Box Is an Endless Stream of Disappointment

Boxee Box Is an Endless Stream of Disappointment

Every day, 3.2 gajigabytes of streaming video are delivered straight to the screens of slackers like you and me, sitting at our desks at work and gawping at classic outtakes from The Muppet Show in 1979, re-creations of news events by creative Taiwanese animators, and adorably cute animal babies. Wh
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

How BlackBerry Could Benefit From a Swedish Redesign

Research in Motion announced this morning that it acquired Swedish interface design firm TAT, whose initials stand for The Astonishing Tribe. RIM clearly plans to use the Swedes’ talent to beef up future versions of the BlackBerry user interface, which despite the addition of touchscreen tech in the
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Beyond the blog.

Beyond the blog.

Gawker founder Nick Denton is one of the most aggressive and successful blog publishers around. He started with a good gut understanding of what works online, and built a federation of blogs that exploit a similar model (low overhead, smart and fast writers, efficient tech and ad sales) to great eff
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Petite Android Seeks Partner for Adventure, Beer

Petite Android Seeks Partner for Adventure, Beer

While other phones are going large, Motorola is taking things in a different direction: small and tough. The new Motorola Defy is a compact Android phone that wisely eschews the gigantism of other smartphones. Instead of the HTC Evo’s 4.3-inch screen or the Dell Streak’s 5-incher (please!), the Defy
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
What We Wish Apple Would Do With iTunes

What We Wish Apple Would Do With iTunes

Apple is planning an announcement Tuesday morning regarding iTunes. Count us among the cautiously optimistic. ITunes is one of the most successful software packages in history, installed on more than 125 million computers worldwide and used for about 70 percent of all digital-music purchases. (Exact
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Nov. 2, 1815: Boole Born, Boolean Logic Logically Follows

Nov. 2, 1815: Boole Born, Boolean Logic Logically Follows

1815: English mathematician George Boole, who would help establish what is now known as Boolean logic, is born. Boole’s breakthrough was the insight that logic, which had previously been considered a branch of philosophy, was actually closer to mathematics. All you needed to do was express logical p
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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