Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2000 posts

Working hard is overrated

Caterina Fake: “Much more important than working hard is knowing how to find the right thing to work on.” via Caterina.net: Working hard is overrated.
Dylan Tweney

Dylan’s Desk: The time to start a company is now

In my latest column for VentureBeat, I wrote about my experiences as an entrepreneur during the dot-com boom, and why it’s so important not to delay if you think you’ve got a startup in you. The only way to learn how to start a company is by going out and actually doing it. There are […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

One simple change to make hiring more fair

This @ericries piece from last weekend is one of the smartest things I’ve read on race & meritocracy. He discusses how the gender makeup of major symphony orchestras changed radically after implementing a simple change: Making people do their auditions behind black screens, so the auditors can’t see
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Dylan’s Desk: Welcome to the age of integration

Apple understands it. Amazon understands it. But nearly every other gadget manufacturer is missing the point: It’s not about the specs any more. It’s about the ability of devices to deliver a seamless, integrated, easy-to-use experience that combines plenty of desirable content and useful services,
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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