Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts

What to do about the complete failure of gun control

Here’s the deal: The NRA is simply *far* better organized than the gun control lobby. A passionate minority will prevail over an apathetic majority any day, in our political system. Here’s what I think gun control people need to do, if they’re serious: Start a “National Gun Safety Association.”  Mak
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

My stance on covering the latest Silicon Valley rumor fest

There are a lot of rumors going around about a certain blog founder. My take is that most of it is completely unfounded and comes from people with an obvious interest in discrediting him. So for now, VentureBeat is not covering this “story.” After I posted this note on Facebook, I got asked: Are we
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Roger Ebert, 1942-2013

“I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts. We must try to contribute joy […]
Dylan Tweney

What is wrong with HTC’s Android sync service?

I’ve had several HTC phones, and I never seem to learn. The latest is an HTC One V. They all start out great — excellent hardware, seemingly fast and snappy interfaces — and turn into useless, molasses-slow junk within a few weeks. I think I’ve isolated the source of the problem: It’s something to d
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

Why I’m fed up with Game of Thrones

Personally I don’t mind the gratuitous boobage in Game of Thrones. Any shape or size: I am a fan. But if those boobs are accompanied by a complete absence of relevance or character, it starts to feel a bit empty. Throw in loads of violence — especially when that violence seems to have no point […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Rough Drafts

Changing the world

I went to Austin, and I came back with an excellent orange beanie. I also spent a lot of time talking to interesting people and — when I wasn’t busy producing content for VentureBeat — drinking a bit too much. (And I made a brief appearance on NPR, which made my mom really proud.) I’m […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

How I stay productive

Fast Company asked me how I manage to be productive, which gave me a chance to explain how I use Evernote and Instapaper. Here’s their writeup: Dylan Tweney, the executive editor at VentureBeat, said Evernote, the popular note-taking and archiving service, is his go-to productivity tool. “I use Ever
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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