Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2000 posts
The VR office of the future.

The VR office of the future.

“Oculus Rift headsets are expensive, bulky, and block out the real world completely. But like the early Logitech webcams, they’re just the starting point. Eventually, VR tech will become smaller, lighter, and—especially in the case of mixed-reality—far less intrusive. When that happens, VR is going
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Narrative specificity.
Rough Drafts

Narrative specificity.

Narrative specificity means avoiding generalizations and using details to make your story come to life. Leave it out, and your words will be hollow and dead, like empty snail shells strewn across the dirt. It’s not surprising that many writers miss this point, particularly in politics and business.
Dylan Tweney 2 min read


“I have to say, I get a lot of inspiration from just going out and pretending I’ve never been to this planet before. It’s a great way to remember just how absurd, strange, beautiful, and unlikely everything is around you.” Brendan Constantine
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts


Yesterday I realized a dream I’ve had ever since I started open water swimming around 2010. I swam from Alcatraz back to San Francisco. It’s about 1.25 miles though we covered a bit more water than that due to fighting the current a little. In all, it took me one hour and 13 minutes in pretty […]
Dylan Tweney 4 min read
Life advice with Guy Kawasaki.
Media Appearances

Life advice with Guy Kawasaki.

Guy Kawasaki is positive, outgoing, easygoing, and full of lots of remarkably concrete, practical advice. Last night I interviewed Guy in front of a crowd of about 100-150 young entrepreneurs at General Assembly San Francisco, in an event cosponsored by Draper University and Young Professionals of S
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Who was Vincent Chin?

Who was Vincent Chin?

At last night’s conversation with Guy Kawasaki, someone in the audience asked about the 1982 Vincent Chin case and whether it made a difference to Guy’s perspective on racism or the treatment of Asian-Americans generally. Neither he nor I had heard of the case. The questioner expressed some surprise
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Status update.

Somehow all the major kitchen appliances have managed to go on the fritz simultaneously. The oven thermostat died, the fridge warms up to 60 degrees unless you defrost its freezer every 3 days, the dishwasher stopped draining fully and now leaks onto the floor, and the radio died. All just when the
Dylan Tweney
Salt water.

Salt water.

“Do you know a cure for me?” “Why yes,” he said, “I know a cure for everything. Salt water.” “Salt water?” I asked him. “Yes,” he said, “in one way or the other. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea.” –Isak Dinesen (aka Karen Blixen) (image credit)
Dylan Tweney

Facebook control

I have deliberately avoided logging on to Facebook on the new laptop since I got it, so for the past 2 weeks Facebook has been a mobile only experience for me. I have to say, it is greatly cutting down on the amount of time I spend distracting myself with it when I’m supposed to […]
Dylan Tweney

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