
World’s newest country, South Sudan, liveblogs its own birth

The new nation of South Sudan celebrated its birth with flag-waving, street celebrations and an official liveblog. “FREE at last!” proclaims the website,, which states it is the official website of the South Sudanese government. Scroll down, and you find regular updates from the streets of
Dylan Tweney

The new nation of South Sudan celebrated its birth with flag-waving, street celebrations and an official liveblog.

“FREE at last!” proclaims the website,, which states it is the official website of the South Sudanese government.

Scroll down, and you find regular updates from the streets of Juba, where the blog notes that jubilant citizens are gathering to celebrate the creation of the new South Sudanese state.  The blow-by-blow account records what was going on in the streets, which dignitaries arrived for the occasion, and what was said.

Full story: World’s newest country, South Sudan, liveblogs its own birth | VentureBeat.

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