Media Appearances

Where I’ve been (on the radio and TV).

Thanks to the hard-working PR team at Wired, I’ve been in the media several times in the past few days: Business News Network – a short video segment Friday about the Microsoft bid for Yahoo (video is near the bottom of that page, requires a Windows machine, and will only be available for a week) […
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Thanks to the hard-working PR team at Wired, I’ve been in the media several times in the past few days:

Business News Network – a short video segment Friday about the Microsoft bid for Yahoo (video is near the bottom of that page, requires a Windows machine, and will only be available for a week)
NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday – a few minutes explaining where all the missing iPhones have gone (to China, probably)
KQED’s Forum with Michael Krasny – an hourlong call-in radio show about the Microsoft-Yahoo bid, with Business Week’s Sarah Lacy and Cnet’s Michael Kanellos
WBUR’s On Point – another hourlong talk show, which I was on for about 10 minutes, together with Kevin Delaney of the WSJ and Nicholas Carr of the Harvard Business Review. Delaney has been doing outstanding news coverage of tech business stories, including the Microsoft-Yahoo deal, and Nicholas Carr is just incredibly smart about technology, so I was honored to be on the air with those two.

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Media Appearances

CNBC: Who really sent that email?

CNBC’s Andrea Day interviewed me on the topic of email spoofing, and I demonstrated to her how easy it was to impersonate an email message from a domain that wasn’t protected with the authentication technology DMARC. Who really sent that email? Major organizations may be vulnerable to email spoofing
Dylan Tweney


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