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What’s On Your Mobile: Arthur C. Clarke

FATHER OF THE STAR CHILDNovelist Arthur C. Clarke is the author of some of the world’s most enduring science fiction stories, including 2001: A Space Odyssey. Compaq Armada E500A late Jurassic computer, but I still use it. It’s running Wordstar. I’m a two-finger typist, so my typing about keeps up w
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Novelist Arthur C. Clarke is the author of some of the world’s most enduring science fiction stories, including 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Compaq Armada E500
A late Jurassic computer, but I still use it. It’s running Wordstar. I’m a two-finger typist, so my typing about keeps up with the speed I can think at.

IBM ThinkPad T40
I use Dragon Naturally Speaking 7 on this machine. I’m hoping to use it to work on the new novel, The Last Theorem. What I may do is keep training the software, but continue taping at the same time so my secretary can edit what I’ve dictated in the Dragon program.

Siemens C35 cell phone
It’s so small I don’t think my fingers could work it. My assistant always carries it with him for incoming calls. I hardly use it myself to send anything, but it’s quite handy when I’m driving around town.

Eudora Mail
This is the program I use most of the time. In a typical day I get about 50 messages. Fortunately I’ve got staff to weed the garden.

Panasonic RP-WH20 I/R wireless headphones
For listening to TV news from across the room.

Sony Digital Mavica MCV-FD71
Canon Digital IXUS V
My staff always follows me around and uses these cameras to photograph me at various meetings. For example, today I met quite a few people at the airdrome for a celebration of the centennial of powered air flight.

Manual wheelchair
I can wheel myself around the house, so what more do I need? When I go out, there’s always a boy who can push me.

PDF: What’s On Your Mobile: Arthur C. Clarke


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