
What to Think Ep. 37: Can Marissa Mayer save Yahoo?

Nicholas Carlson, the chief correspondent for Business Insider, has just published a book that goes deep into Yahoo under Marissa Mayer. Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo has details such as Mayer’s first day at work and her showdowns with activist investors and truculent executives. We brou
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
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Nicholas Carlson, the chief correspondent for Business Insider, has just published a book that goes deep into Yahoo under Marissa Mayer. Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo has details such as Mayer’s first day at work and her showdowns with activist investors and truculent executives. We brought Carlson into the podcast studio to ask him our questions:

Does Mayer have what it takes to turn around the lumbering giant that is Yahoo? Why does Carlson seem so fixated on Mayer’s hair and whether it’s wet or not? Who was the worst CEO in Yahoo’s history?

Find out the answers to these questions and more in our conversation with Carlson.

Plus, we tell you what to think about:

All this is in our 30 minute podcast below.

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Enjoy the show!

from VentureBeat » Dylan Tweney http://ift.tt/1AkEncO


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