Where are the really good stories in magazines today? The ones that make you say to your friends: “Did you see that story about X?” Michael Shapiro examines the attenuated legacy of the New Journalism: “I had learned the essential lesson of those who wished to make magazines a career: write to form, or go to law school. So, I wrote to form. … Technique slid slowly, maddeningly, and seemingly inevitably into The Form: anecdote; set-up graph; scene, digression, scene, quote from Harvard sociologist.” (via bookslut)
Rough Drafts
What happened to the New Journalism?
Where are the really good stories in magazines today? The ones that make you say to your friends: “Did you see that story about X?” Michael Shapiro examines the attenuated legacy of the New Journalism: “I had learned the essential lesson of those who wished to make magazines a career: write to form,