
46 posts

Review: Olympus E-420 is One Smokin’ SLR

Let’s get one thing out of the way: Even though it’s called the 420, Olympus’ latest camera has absolutely nothing to do with illicit drug use. We tried to find a secret compartment for storing your stash: No dice. In fact, the Olympus Evolt E-420 doesn’t have much room for stashing anything. It’s t
Dylan Tweney 4 min read

Your Shoes Are Killing Your Feet

Your shoes are destroying your feet. More specifically, they’re messing up the perfectly-balanced, coordinated bipedal gait that our species evolved over millions of years. That’s the argument touted by a lengthy article in New York magazine this week, You Walk Wrong. Its starting point is a number
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Organized Chaos Reigns at Bil, the Alterna-TED

The annual TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference in Monterey, Calif. is a terrific, mind-expanding experience for all who attend. Or so I’ve heard: The $6,000 price tag has, so far, kept it well out of my reach. That’s why I checked out the Bil Conference, also in Monterey, a free, t
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Book Review: What Would MacGyver Do?

Brendan Vaughan’s collection of real-life tales of ingenuity, What Would MacGyver Do?, recently republished by Penguin, has a great premise: It’s a collection of true stories featuring the kind of situational hacking (bombs defused with paperclips, sheds converted into aircraft) that the TV show Mac
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

MacBook Air’s Real Design Innovation Is Under the Hood

There are a lot of reasons not to like the MacBook Air, but most of them are missing the point, because it’s a luxury item aimed at executives, journalists, and perhaps people in the fashion and hospitality industries. It’s also Apple’s first volley in the ultraportable market, and others are sure t
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

CES Party Report: Mary J. Blige Performs for Monster Cable

Monster Cable threw a massive party for its favorite retailers Tuesday night at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. The entertainment? Nothing less than six-time Grammy winner Mary J. Blige, who held nothing back in an intense, soulful, high-energy 19-song set, supported by a five-piece band and three bac
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

The ‘Most Hated Man’ in the Tech Business Gets PWNED

Bill Lerach, the securities lawyer whom WIRED magazine called a “bloodsucking scumbag” in 1996, has finally met his match. Lerach is set to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy involving his former law firm, Milberg Weiss, the Wall Street Journal reports (subscription required). The case alleges
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

I Want My Two Hundred Dollars!

OK, I’ll admit it. I paid the stupid tax. The early adopter tax. Whatever you want to call it, I knew I was paying a premium for my iPhone when I bought it two months ago on the day it launched. I figured it was only a matter of time before Apple reduced the price, […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Filmmakers Chase Their Dream–On a Segway

Josh Caldwell and Hunter Weeks were bored with their cubicle-farm jobs, making good money but feeling empty and unfulfilled. Like many white-collar workers, they dreamed of a life beyond the veal-fattening pens. But unlike most, they found a unique way to bust out of their corporate prison: They rod
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Virgin America: Like a Multimillion-Dollar IPod. That Flies.

Virgin America launched its U.S. air service yesterday, and immediately staked a claim as the most geek-friendly airline yet invented. It’s also one of the most comfortable and pleasant to fly in — and it’s reasonably priced. I flew in the inaugural flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Almost e
Dylan Tweney 5 min read

Book Review: It’s Not News, It’s Fark

Drew Curtis may run one of the funniest news aggregation sites around, but just because he’s a joker, don’t make the mistake of thinking he doesn’t really understand the news. If his claims are to be believed, Curtis has probably read more news stories in the eight years he’s been running Fark than
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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