Rough Drafts

Rough Drafts

Essays and blog posts I've written that haven't been published elsewhere yet

809 posts
Rough Drafts

Do Web companies have the

Do Web companies have the right to send “bots” out to scan other companies’ online databases? That’s the crux of a debate on Capitol Hill now — and of a fight between eBay and auction-watch site Bidder’s Edge. The outcome of this battle has serious implications for Internet business, since it will a
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

The largest e-grocer, it turns

The largest e-grocer, it turns out, is British supermarket chain Tesco — and they’ve got a decidedly low-tech approach to e-commerce, with little more than Dell servers, BackOffice software, and 7,000 packers who wander down the aisles of your local Tesco store picking up the items to fill your orde
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

PC Week columnist John Taschek

PC Week columnist John Taschek says the AOL – Time Warner merger means the end of the Internet as we know it. He writes: “AOL has the capacity to paralyze this highway system by adding traffic without enhancing the infrastructure necessary to support it.” ZDNet: PC Week: AOL’s buyout of Time Warner
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

This is kinda cool —

This is kinda cool — soon you’ll be able to buy tickets online, and print them out from your own printer. A bar code scanner at the venue will verify that your ticket is the real thing. Ticketmaster Lets You Print Your Own
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Confused by all these online

Confused by all these online pet stores? Can’t figure out why VCs are throwing tens of millions at each of them? Wondering why all their ad campaigns look the same? You’re not the only one. Online pet stores throw shoppers a bone
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

John Dodge discovers B-to-B marketplaces,

John Dodge discovers B-to-B marketplaces, then goes on to write up three very interesting profiles — a fish marketplace, a steel trading community, and an electronic parts marketplace. At the end, he writes “What’s clear is that the B2B revolution will be driven, for the most part, by the distributi
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Rebuffed by Lycos last year,

Rebuffed by Lycos last year, Barry Diller finally gets to buy a dot com of his own. Early market reports show that Styleclick’s stock is already heading downward. Can’t Barry get a break? USA Networks takes $500 million stake in Styleclick
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Web retailers are going to

Web retailers are going to hate this one: A new site,, lets consumers post information about online purchases they just made — so competing retailers can jump in with better offers while there’s still time for the consumer to cancel the original purchase. New E-Commerce Site Raises
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

AOL acquisition of Time Warner

AOL acquisition of Time Warner puts it in head-to-head competition with Microsoft — the merged company’s fat pipes will enable it to deliver applications that may compete with Windows apps for end-users’ attention. Microsoft, AOL on collision course (1/14/2000)
Dylan Tweney


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