Rough Drafts

Rough Drafts

Essays and blog posts I've written that haven't been published elsewhere yet

812 posts
Rough Drafts

I’m going to swim 6.5 miles to help protect SF Bay.

Like many Americans, I’m angry and disappointed about Trump’s repudiation of the Paris Agreement. What are we going to do about it? This is a small contribution, but I’m going to swim 6.5 miles in the SF Bay to raise money for the environment. In the aftermath of Paris, the gutting of the EPA, and r
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
How You Got My Attention
Rough Drafts

How You Got My Attention

One of today’s top recommended stories in my Medium feed is a piece intriguingly titled “How I Got My Attention Back.” I clicked through, only to see that Medium estimated it as a 14-minute read. Fourteen minutes! You expect me to spend more than half a pomodoro of my precious attention on a wanderi
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
The difficulty with complexity.
Rough Drafts

The difficulty with complexity.

As a society, we are facing a crisis of understanding. Fake news is just the latest expression of a deeper problem: We have more and more difficulty thinking about (and talking about) complex topics. In short, it’s hard to convey nuance and multiplicity with the media we have today. Social networks
Dylan Tweney 4 min read
Santa is real.

Santa is real.

This year I took the kids shopping with me on Christmas Eve. I gave them $60 each: A twenty to buy a present for their mom, a twenty to buy a present for their sibling, and a twenty to buy some stocking stuffers for the other three members of the family. “You’re going to help play […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Signing off Facebook for awhile.
Rough Drafts

Signing off Facebook for awhile.

I’m done with Facebook for now, so I am signing off for awhile. Partly I am annoyed with the company for not taking a stand against the Trump administration and its elected leader’s comments about making lists of Muslims and immigrants. For the company’s COO to attend a meeting with Trump yesterday
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

Specific gratitude

Keeping a gratitude diary, or less pretentiously, taking some time out of every day to write down the things you’re thankful for, is an effective way to increase happiness. And I’d like to suggest one small addition. In addition to writing down things you’re thankful for (rainbows, puppies, burrit
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts


The radio tells me that calls to suicide hotlines are up 30 percent since the election. The news tells me that racists will be in the white house. Friends share stories with me about how bad things are about to get. A writer I respect says we have less than two months at best. People […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
graffiti on a wall spelling out the word Resist
Rough Drafts

Something to lose

In the past few days I’ve been thinking about how much I have to lose. I enjoy the evenings at my son’s soccer practice, overhearing snippets of English, Spanish, and Arabic. I love the Spanish-speaking soccer moms who bring way too much food to weekend soccer tournaments, plying us with sandwiches,
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Photo of an empty wallet with an IOU slip inside
Rough Drafts

6 financial facts would-be entrepreneurs need to know

So you’re considering quitting the rat race and becoming an entrepreneur — congratulations. Whether you’re working on a killer startup with a few pals or embarking on a career of self-employment, you’re about to discover what life is like when you have maximal control. In many ways, it’s awesome. I’
Dylan Tweney 6 min read
The South End Rowing Club (review)
Rough Drafts

The South End Rowing Club (review)

The South End (aka SERC) is one of two swimming-rowing clubs that share a building in Aquatic Park, right next to Hyde St. Pier. It’s a terrific group of welcoming, fun-loving people who are into all things aquatic. What’s more, it’s a San Francisco institution, dating back to 1873. Serious history
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Swimming, cold water, and a bunch of awesome veterans.
Rough Drafts

Swimming, cold water, and a bunch of awesome veterans.

I was a kayaker this morning for a group of veterans swimming from Alcatraz to SF. It was a great morning… Beautiful, flat water, warm… And a bunch of men and women hauling ass through the water. Including guys missing limbs but swimming just the same. It was pretty cool. Before the swim I was […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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