
6 posts

Can the Kindle Fire disrupt the tablet market? Not so fast

The arrival of Amazon’s Kindle Fire, a $199 tablet, in a market dominated by $500 models looks like an obvious case of price disruption. Not so fast, says Horace Dediu, an analyst at Asymco: Amazon’s margins are too thin to allow it to compete on the tablet’s core technology. It’s an interesting cou
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Supreme Court Considers Kindle v. iPad

Newly-approved Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan is a Kindle user, while longtime conservative Justice Antonin Scalia wields an iPad. This nugget of information appeared in a recent video clip on C-SPAN. Both justices use the devices (plus hard copy printouts) to read the vast quantities of written
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
The iPad Is (Just) Television 2.0

The iPad Is (Just) Television 2.0

The iPad has touched a nerve in the geek community. Judging by comments on Wired.com and elsewhere, many people are outraged that Apple would try to foist a less-capable, dumbed-down device on an unsuspecting public. Thanks to clever marketing, these people point out, Apple has persuaded us to spend
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Rough Drafts

Apple’s Next Revolutionary Product: iTunes

Apple announced the iPad Wednesday, and with it added e-books to the menu of content it’s selling via iTunes. But I can’t believe that Steve Jobs is going to stop there. Brian X. Chen and I predicted on Tuesday evening that Apple’s big announcement would go beyond the iPad, and include the announcem
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

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