
4 posts

The Nook Nearly Nails It

I bought a Nook Simple Touch a couple weeks ago, just in time for a vacation reading binge. I can’t improve much on John Abell’s review for Wired, The Nook Nails It, as I agree with everything he says there. This is the best reading machine I’ve come across so far: It’s light, easy to […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Amazon Sells More E-Books Than Hardcovers

Amazon Sells More E-Books Than Hardcovers

E-books have hit the mainstream, and for the first time are consistently outselling their pulp-and-ink brethren, according to Amazon.com. Amazon hit a symbolic milestone last holiday season, when for one day its sales of e-books exceeded the number of dead-tree books it had sold. Now the company has
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Reading and web standards

Reading and web standards

This week brought the pleasing news that people are reading more than ever, thanks to the internet. In fact, the amount people read tripled from 1980 to 2008. That’s amazing considering it had previously been undergoing decades of steady decline. Suddenly people stopped watching so much television,
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

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