
2 posts

Microscopic Art Hides Inside Computer Chips

Considering the expense, precision and difficulty of manufacturing computer chips, you would think the engineers designing them are pretty serious people. But it’s not all business inside a chip fab, as these microscope photos reveal. In fact, the designers of microchips frequently hide tiny cartoon
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
A Chip Is Born: Inside a State-of-the-Art Clean Room

A Chip Is Born: Inside a State-of-the-Art Clean Room

If you wish to compose an e-mail, index a database of web pages, stream a kitten video in 720p or render an explosion at 60 frames per second, you must first build a computer. And to build a computer, you must first design and fabricate the tiny processors that rapidly churn through the millions of
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

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