Rough Drafts

Rare good news.

It’s not often that people who love and want to preserve wild land and wild species get to enjoy unmitigated good news. Every battle won is only a temporary win, while battles lost are permanent failures. Today’s wildlife preserve might be tomorrow’s oil field, but a housing development is never goi
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
ivory-billed woodpeckers

It’s not often that people who love and want to preserve wild land and wild species get to enjoy unmitigated good news. Every battle won is only a temporary win, while battles lost are permanent failures. Today’s wildlife preserve might be tomorrow’s oil field, but a housing development is never going to turn back into a habitat.

That’s why I’ve been savoring last week’s announcement (with video) that ivory-billed woodpeckers have been seen, heard, and videotaped in the eastern Arkansas swamps. The last time anyone saw one, for sure, was in 1944 — which means the bird has been gone, and thought extinct,  for longer than most of us have been alive. And then, suddenly, there it is, winging around in a remote swamp. The news seems so unexpected and so incredible that I’ve had trouble believing it–much as my great-grandmother doubted the moon landing, figuring that it was all a Hollywood stage production–and, strangely, the pictures that get beamed back every week from Cassini seem more real to me even now.

There’s no telling how many ivory-bills there are left, and the awful thing may be that that the bird could still disappear, for a second time, and this time forever. But for now, at least, the bird–a huge, beautiful woodpecker with a wingspan of 30 inches–is back.


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