Rough Drafts

New Google news

New look and features for Google News. Cool! Much slicker looking, much more newspapery. It takes a little getting used to but actually makes scanning the news much easier — it includes short story summaries and some photos, both new, and options to see stories from more sources. The page claims tha
Dylan Tweney

New look and features for Google News. Cool! Much slicker looking, much more newspapery. It takes a little getting used to but actually makes scanning the news much easier — it includes short story summaries and some photos, both new, and options to see stories from more sources. The page claims that “No humans were harmed or even used in the creation of this page,” but I find that hard to believe. Seems that with total automation you’d occasionally see a mis-categorized story, but I’ve never seen that happen here since the site debuted last spring.


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