Rough Drafts

Nanowrimo update.

Since the beginning of National Novel Writing Month, I’ve written about 12,000 words of “Fatal Exception” – my dot com murder mystery. Not bad for two weeks. The first week went great guns, but then my mom was visiting, I got sick, and there’s that nasty work thing, so I’ve only written 2,000 words
Dylan Tweney

Since the beginning of National Novel Writing Month, I’ve written about 12,000 words of “Fatal Exception” – my dot com murder mystery. Not bad for two weeks. The first week went great guns, but then my mom was visiting, I got sick, and there’s that nasty work thing, so I’ve only written 2,000 words since November 6. Will you get to read this novel once it’s completed? I doubt it, but maybe I’ll post some excerpts if you’re really really nice. Meanwhile, you can read more about the collective madness known as Nanowrimo.


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