My daughter and I will be on TV this week, 8pm local time Wednesday night (Nov. 14) on most PBS stations. That’s when our “GeekDad” segment will air, sometime during that night’s Wired Science program.
Wired Science is a collaboration between Wired (my employer) and KCET (a PBS station in LA). I’m not really involved, except that one day a video crew came to our house and filmed stuff as Clara helped me build a UFO-shaped hovercraft out of plywood, a piece of tarp, a leaf blower, and of course lots of duct tape. I also did two other episodes, except with some local high school students instead of Clara. I hear those episodes may be appearing on the Wired Science website, but not on TV.
Here’s a link to the Geekdad: UFO segment (just a preview now, but may have the full segment after Wednesday).
So my daughter’s a star! If you like her performance, send fanmail to and ask them to bring her back next season!
UPDATE: Here’s the GeekDad: UFO page on the PBS website, with the video and comments from viewers.