Rough Drafts


Justin Hall investigates the convergence of weblogs and mobile/wireless technologies, and concludes that future moblogs will replace today’s weblogs as well as today’s newspapers. “So weblogs in the future, on our phones, might not exist as an old media analogue: discreet publications, edited by one
Dylan Tweney

Justin Hall investigates the convergence of weblogs and mobile/wireless technologies, and concludes that future moblogs will replace today’s weblogs as well as today’s newspapers. “So weblogs in the future, on our phones, might not exist as an old media analogue: discreet publications, edited by one discreet group of people. Rather they might be something more organic: particular headlines or stories are flagged or read or marked with exclamation points by people listed in our phonebook, important news elected by a related plurality.”


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