Rough Drafts

Jeremy Allaire’s weblog

Jeremy Allaire, cofounder of Allaire and now a Macromedia executive, gives a glimpse of what his company is working on: Client-side tools, based on Flash, that enable real-time collaboration. His demo is a little obscure but seems to be a tool for real-time collaborative database design — i.e. two o
Dylan Tweney

Jeremy Allaire, cofounder of Allaire and now a Macromedia executive, gives a glimpse of what his company is working on: Client-side tools, based on Flash, that enable real-time collaboration. His demo is a little obscure but seems to be a tool for real-time collaborative database design — i.e. two or more people can add tables, fields, and the like, creating a database together online. (Yet another Engelbart redux.) Allaire also shows a text editor (with formatting) built in Flash. (thanks, Jon)


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