
How to hold a tech product press conference

One product that Apple does exceptionally well is the press conference. This week’s Worldwide Developers Conference was no exception, with a two-hour presentation that, while on the long side, was perfectly orchestrated, beautifully presented, and full of real news. It’s that last item that, for som
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

One product that Apple does exceptionally well is the press conference. This week’s Worldwide Developers Conference was no exception, with a two-hour presentation that, while on the long side, was perfectly orchestrated, beautifully presented, and full of real news.

It’s that last item that, for some reason, many companies overlook.

Sure, it’s easy to focus on the razzle-dazzle, and when Steve Jobs was alive, his curiously mesmerizing personality was one of the main reasons Apple keynotes were so thrilling. Also, there’s no doubt that Jobs’ persnickety nature contributed much to Apple’s press event skills: He was famously obsessive about getting every detail of an event just right.

But now that Apple is led by a series of corporate wonks who have about as much collective charisma as an IRS audit team, do its presentations still have the same magic? The answer: Yes, pretty much so. The crowd still oohs and aahs over every new detail. They cheer wildly for Retina displays and — go figure — Apple’s homegrown maps application. They laugh at Siri’s lame jokes, and they chuckle at Apple’s worldwide marketing head, Phil Schiller, too.

The only conclusion I can draw is that Apple just knows how to do a press conference.

Many other companies don’t. That’s too bad, because press conferences are one of the most efficient ways for delivering news to a large public.

Read the full story: How to hold a tech product press conference | VentureBeat.


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