Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2004 posts

Microscopic Art Hides Inside Computer Chips

Considering the expense, precision and difficulty of manufacturing computer chips, you would think the engineers designing them are pretty serious people. But it’s not all business inside a chip fab, as these microscope photos reveal. In fact, the designers of microchips frequently hide tiny cartoon
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Virgin’s Richard Branson Plans Deep-Sea Diving Venture

Gallivanting billionaire Richard Branson is well on his way to space. Now he plans to explore the deepest parts of the ocean as well. Branson announced his undersea exploration venture, Virgin Oceanic, on Tuesday. Unlike his suborbital-space-flight company, Virgin Galactic, the new venture is not ac
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Happy 30th Birthday to the Portable PC

The portable computer was born 30 years ago this weekend, when Adam Osborne unveiled the Osborne 1 in San Francisco. Osborne, a journalist and book author, made the transition to entrepreneur on the strength of his personality, ambition and vision. And for a short few months, his computer company wa
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

How a Legacy From the 1800s Is Making Tokyo Dark Today

A strange legacy of the Japanese power system’s infancy in the late 1800s is complicating efforts to keep Tokyo supplied with electricity. The problem, as explained by IDG News Service’s Martyn Williams, is that half of the country uses power whose current alternates at 60 Hz, while the other half g
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Silicon Art Hidden Inside Samsung’s Galaxy Tab

Silicon chips have billions of transistors in every square inch. But sometimes there’s enough room left over for chip engineers to insert a little joke. While using a scanning electron microscope to examine the microcircuitry of a chip found in Samsung’s Galaxy Tab and Galaxy S phone, consulting com
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Media Appearances

The Workplace Can Be a Dangerous Place

I get to play Rambo in this video, which showcases some of the office warfare weaponry Wired recently tested. My favorite: the Z-Curve Bow. The video’s webpage is here, and talented intern Christina Bonnington wrote a the roundup review of office weapons.
Dylan Tweney

Sony Touts Console-Like Power of Upcoming NGP

SAN FRANCISCO — Sony is blurring the line between portable game consoles and larger consoles currently trapped inside TV cabinets. With a high-resolution screen, a powerful processor and graphics card, and massive amounts of memory, the upcoming Sony NGP will be closer to the capabilities of a PC or
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

How Thunderbolt Could Hook Up Notebooks With Powerful Peripherals

Intel’s new high-speed port technology is called Thunderbolt. But what is it, exactly? Think of Thunderbolt (formerly code named “Light Peak”) as two cables in one. One is a fast PCI Express cable for transferring data, and the other is DisplayPort, for driving an external display. A Thunderbolt cab
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Hands-On With HP’s Tiny Veer Smartphone

SAN FRANCISCO — HP’s diminutive Veer might be named that because the company wants to emphasize that it’s swerving in a different direction than most phone makers. And it is: In a gadget season dominated by 4-inch and bigger smartphones, the webOS-based Veer looks positively petite. It feels like a
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

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