Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2004 posts

Steve Jobs’s most ambitious product: Apple Inc.

The list of iconic designs Steve Jobs made possible is long. But his most brilliant and ambitious design may be Apple itself. Jobs, who announced his resignation as Apple’s CEO yesterday, is rightly hailed as one of the most design-savvy executives in the electronics industry. He’s also an impressiv
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

What the !@#$ is marketing automation?

VentureBeat inadvertently stirred up a storm of controversy when we published a guest post about marketing automation. The guest post, by Justin Gray of LeadMD, looked innocuous enough at first. To our editors, it at first seemed like a straightforward list of the pros and cons of several different
Dylan Tweney

A toast to Chris and Leila.

One of the things about having a younger brother, if you are a scientifically-minded child, is that you have a guinea pig for many of your experiments. And Chris was a willing or unwilling guinea pig many times. Let me tell you about one of those times. One day, we were down in the basement […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Despite record IPO week, NASDAQ CEO doesn’t see a bubble

The NASDAQ stock exchange just posted a record week for initial public offerings, with companies including Zillow and Skullcandy roughly half a billion dollars in three days. Next week, the stock market will see seven separate IPOs.Taking the weeks of July 18 and July 25 together, the NASDAQ expects
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Infiniti Hybrid Is a Green Sedan for Silver Foxes

If you’re old enough to remember the energy policies of the Carter administration, green enough to have donated to the Nature Conservancy and young enough to get a rush of testosterone from dusting that polo-shirt-wearing jerk in his BMW, Nissan has the car for you. And though its styling walks a fi
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

The Nook Nearly Nails It

I bought a Nook Simple Touch a couple weeks ago, just in time for a vacation reading binge. I can’t improve much on John Abell’s review for Wired, The Nook Nails It, as I agree with everything he says there. This is the best reading machine I’ve come across so far: It’s light, easy to […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

How to Make a Clock Run for 10,000 Years

For Bezos, the founder of Amazon.com, the clock is not just the ultimate prestige timepiece. It’s a symbol of the power of long-term thinking. His hope is that building it will change the way humanity thinks about time, encouraging our distant descendants to take a longer view than we have.
Dylan Tweney 28 min read

First iPhone in space to launch with last shuttle mission

When the final space shuttle mission launches later this year, two iPhone 4s will be on board. The iPhones will be running an experimental app called SpaceLab for iOS, designed by Odyssey Space Research. Once the space shuttle Atlantis docks with the International Space Station, crew members will us
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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