if you're bored, you're not paying attention

Category: Poems (Page 1 of 2)

Small stones #4-7

My son asks me to time him, then bolts down the sidewalk and out of sight between two strangers. He returns at top speed, twelve long seconds later.

4 Jan 2013


the binoculars reveal distant waves
crawling slowly across the horizon

5 Jan 2013


Sunlight breaks through the sky over Capitola, surrounding the surfers with a silvery glare.… Read the rest

25 Canadian Tanka Poets in French and English : Atlas Poetica

I’m amazed and honored to see a poem I wrote included in this collection of Canadian tanka. There is even a translation into French (not by me) — a first for me.

one petal
from the princess tree
clings to the windshield—
I drive away
looking in the mirror

un pétale
de l’arbre impérial
s’accroche au pare-brise
je démarre
en regardant dans le rétroviseur

via 25 Canadian Tanka Poets in French and English : Atlas Poetica.… Read the rest

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