Dylan Tweney


2 posts
Rough Drafts

I’m still blogging. Will you keep reading?

I suppose it’s time to give my readers fair warning: After 19 years this blog, and the Tinyletter based upon it, have moved in a more eclectic direction. If you want to unfollow me now, I won’t take it personally. But I’d love it if you stayed along for the ride.
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
How You Got My Attention
Rough Drafts

How You Got My Attention

One of today’s top recommended stories in my Medium feed is a piece intriguingly titled “How I Got My Attention Back.” I clicked through, only to see that Medium estimated it as a 14-minute read. Fourteen minutes! You expect me to spend more than half a pomodoro of my precious attention on a wanderi
Dylan Tweney 3 min read


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