Find your story

asphalt road between trees
Photo by Matt Duncan / Unsplash

At the core of every great brand is a resonant story. It's not just about what you sell or the services you offer; it's about connecting on a human level with your customers.

A good story makes your core values and vision manifest in a relatable way. At its best, it becomes a living, breathing narrative that people engage with emotionally. Nike, Apple, Tesla – these are brands animated by powerful stories that people understand deeply and intuitively.

That's the kind of story that inspires and motivates people to choose a brand — and commit to it — over all others.

Most brands don’t discover their story in a single afternoon, but rather through a journey of exploration, dialogue, and reflection. That's where I come in.

Working With Dylan Tweney

I'm a former WIRED and VentureBeat journalist and a longtime content and strategy consultant. I've worked with companies like Samsung, PWC, Twilio, Gitlab, DemandBase, Upwork, and Korn Ferry to define and refine corporate messages, establish thought leadership, and help executives tell their stories. (More about Dylan.)

My approach is designed to unearth and refine your company's story, setting the stage for connection and impact.

When I work with clients on messaging and narrative, I start with a series of discovery calls: Interviews that uncover what sets them apart. We’re looking for mission, vision, and values; I’m also looking for customer stories, sales stories, and engineering stories that help distinguish the company and demonstrate its excellence.

The iterative process of asking, listening, and refining sets my approach apart. As a journalist, I believe the first answer is usually not the deepest one. The best stories come from good follow-up questions motivated by intelligent, informed curiosity. That's where I excel.

Let's work together

Photo by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS on Pexels.com

Brand and marketing agencies sell messaging projects like this to corporate clients for tens of thousands of dollars. Today, I’m offering the chance to jumpstart your messaging development in a much more accessible way. 

What's more, I'm putting together a collaborative messaging workshop—a cohort of entrepreneurs working together with me to define and refine their stories. 

If you’d like to get a quick messaging tuneup for your brand, please answer the questions in the form below. I'll send you a set of personalized follow-up questions and some quick feedback that you can use to refine your story. 

If you're interested in joining the cohort and working with me and other entrepreneurs to define and refine your story, let's talk.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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