
Steve Jobs’s most ambitious product: Apple Inc.

The list of iconic designs Steve Jobs made possible is long. But his most brilliant and ambitious design may be Apple itself. Jobs, who announced his resignation as Apple’s CEO yesterday, is rightly hailed as one of the most design-savvy executives in the electronics industry. He’s also an impressiv
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

The list of iconic designs Steve Jobs made possible is long. But his most brilliant and ambitious design may be Apple itself.

Jobs, who announced his resignation as Apple’s CEO yesterday, is rightly hailed as one of the most design-savvy executives in the electronics industry. He’s also an impressive architect of business structures.

In the coming years, with Jobs out of the leadership role, we’ll see just how well-designed the company he spent 15 years assembling really is. My guess is that it’s very well put together indeed.

Jobs has been working on this “product,” Apple Inc., for a long time.

Full story: Steve Jobs’s most ambitious product: Apple Inc. | VentureBeat.

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