if you're bored, you're not paying attention

Month: April 2003

CIO: Build It Free.

My article on open-source development tools has just been published by CIO Magazine. For enterprise IT managers, the open source revolution until now has meant pretty much two things: Linux and Apache. This article looks at the next phase — not just these open source platforms, but open source development tools — the widgets, programming environments, and application servers used by programmers to create software.… Read the rest

Google saved my ass.

I’m little chagrined to admit this, but I discovered a new use for Google: Web page recovery service for hapless webmasters. I’d been cleaning up some obsolete files on tweney.com earlier this week (a bunch of stuff left in the old www.tweney.com… Read the rest

Build It Free

Open-source development tools offer low-cost, high-quality options.

ANDRIG MILLER first got excited about Java’s possibilities in March 1998, when Sun Microsystems released the initial version of the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification. But it was more than four years before Miller, vice president of technical architecture for office product supplier Corporate Express, was ready to put an EJB application into production.Read the rest

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