Dylan Tweney
Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

1972 posts
Rough Drafts

Bruce Schneier

An excellent profile of Bruce Schneier in the September Atlantic , by Charles C. Mann, explains why the current administration’s approach to increasing national security is misguided. Some quotes: Encrypting transactions on the Internet, the Purdue computer scientist Eugene Spafford has remarked, “i
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

5.16 billion files

File traders swapped 5.16 billion music files last year on networks like KaZaA and Morpheus, according to this recent Yankee Group study. Here’s another story on the same study.
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Books with sneaky shrinkwrap licenses?

Books with sneaky shrinkwrap licenses? You know the kind — by opening this package, you agree to blah blah blah. Software packages have long had this kind of language slapped all over them, in an effort to keep you from doing certain things (copying, reselling, reverse engineering). Now, it seems, b
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Theft of the commons

They hang the man and flog the woman That steal the goose from off the common, But let the greater villain loose That steals the common from the goose. The law demands that we atone When we take things we do not own, But leaves the lords and ladies fine Who take things that are […]
Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

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