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Month: January 2013 (Page 1 of 2)

Dylan’s Desk: What you need to do to get more women at your conference — or company

panel of investor "sages" at DEMO Fall 2012

Last year, Courtney Stanton organized a conference for game developers whose 12-person speaker roster was half women, and half men.

And she did it without considering the gender of applicants.

In the world of tech conferences, that gender ratio is almost unheard of — let alone getting there without actively saying yes to certain applicants just because you know they’re female.… Read the rest

“In short, Aaron Swartz was not the super hacker breathlessly described in the Government’s indictment and forensic reports, and his actions did not pose a real danger to JSTOR, MIT or the public. He was an intelligent young man who found a loophole that would allow him to download a lot of documents quickly.… Read the rest

Small stones #4-7

My son asks me to time him, then bolts down the sidewalk and out of sight between two strangers. He returns at top speed, twelve long seconds later.

4 Jan 2013


the binoculars reveal distant waves
crawling slowly across the horizon

5 Jan 2013


Sunlight breaks through the sky over Capitola, surrounding the surfers with a silvery glare.… Read the rest

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